GENERAL INTEREST CDIconKiller by Late Night Software CDs and floppy disks with custom icons can sometimes take a long time to load because the Finder has to load all of those custom icons. CDIconKiller is an extension which prevents the icons from loading, which dramatically speeds up CD Rom access in the Finder. LandSculptor3D v1.2 LandSculptor3D is a modeling program which allows you to create 3d landscapes. You can smooth, sharpen, or add noise to your landscape. Select several different resolutions and use several different tools. Plus you can export any image as a DXF file which can be imported into practically any 3d CAD or modeling program. SndConverter Lite v1.4 by Dejal Userware Convert sounds between multiple formats with this easy to use utility. Just select any file that has a sound or sounds in it and SndConverter Lite will allow you to save the sounds as System 7 sound files, System 7 suitcases, SoundEdit data files or AIFF files. You can open any of these sound types and save them any any other type. Will also convert many sounds at the same time. Snitch v2.0.2 Get more information from the Finder Get Info command. This extension will expand the Get Info window and allow you to view and modify a variety of information such as file type, creator and more. View previews of graphics or text files, check file dates and sized make invisible files visible. Training on CD Sampler by Quay2 These insightful and comprehensive tutorials represent a new way of improving your computer skills and knowledge. This month's tutorial covers "Cutting, Copying and Pasting in ClarisWorks." NOTE: We've included "Peter's Player," a fast QuickTime movie player, so you can play these movies even if you don't have Apple's Movie Player. (Apple's QuickTime extension, however, is required. ) Peter's Player is located in its own folder within the tutorial folder.